quinta-feira, 13 de setembro de 2007

UN Presence in East Timor until 2012 - What a Rediculous Idea

East Timor President – Jose Ramos Horta has asked the United Nations in East Timor to stay until 2012 while East Timor Prime Minister has asked former Victorian Mayor – Steve Bracks of Australia to become his advisor. What a rediculous idea.

This is what we call neo-colonialism not by nation to nation but by nations to nation. Consciously or unconsciously, the President of East Timor is playing the role of the Prime Minister and the President is subjecting the nation of East Timor to a new colonialism of the UN to East Timor and worstly Australia to East Timor .

I dont know whether Ramos Horta knows what Australia is doing in Papua New Guinea (PNG). I dont know whether Ramos Horta has ever seen an Afronesian country like PNG who has, theoretically, long being an independent and a sovereign country, but, de facto, is still colonized by the Australian. Please Mr. Ramos Horta ask the Papua New Guineans what Australia is doing there. Please ask the Prime Minister of PNG what the actual so-called "Australian adviser" of the PM of PNG is doing in PNG.

The fact in PNG says that the so-called "Australian Advisors" is not only found at the PM´s office in PNG, but almost in all departments of PNG government. Please Mr. Ramos Horta ask all the government officials in all those departments in PNG what these so-called "Australian Advisers" are doing there?

These "Australian Advisers" is not just advising, but they rule, give orders, and worstly they give wrong advices to PNG and subject PNG to Australian dependency, they pass all secret information of PNG to Australia, they control PNG in the interaction with other countries in the pacific and ASEAN countries, they are present in all the Ministerial closed meetings, they attend all PNG bilateral meetings with other contries.

What the Australians are doing in PNG is no more than the same policy that the "White Australians" are doing to the Aborigines in Australia . Look at Ports Morisby and ask the Australians why curfews are still going on in this country for so long after years of independence? Ask the Australians why the PNGans go drunk at the end of the month after receiving their salaries. Ask the Australians why we cannot stop safely in the red lights in Ports Moresby? And then ask these so-called "Australian Advisers" what they do in PNG.

Actually, what these "Australian Advisers" are doing is plunging the PNGans into a valey of poverty, strong dependency to Australia and worstly wiping out the PNGans like what "white Australians" have been doing to the Aborigines in Australia - the pride to put the Aboriginees into contonment and giving them alcohool to go party all their life and die young in order to be wiped rapidly and give the way to the "white" Australians to rule Australia free from the Aboriginees. The same is hapenning in PNG, and it looks like Ramos Horta is subjecting the East Timorese to be treated by Australians the same way the Australians have been treating their Aboriginees and PNGans.

The UN will stay in East Timor untill 2012???????? ???? what a rediculous idea. Does Ramos Horta know what he is doing. Does Ramos Horta knows that "There is no free lunch in this world"? Does Ramos Horta knows what he is committing? Does Ramos Horta knows that at the end of the day it is East Timor who will pay the bill? Does Ramos Horta know how much money from East Timor Oil Revenue will be spent by East Timor to pay for this UN presence in East Timor ? Doesn´t Ramos Horta know that the main problem in East Timor is Job Opportunity? Isn´t Ramos Horta aware that instead of creating job opportunities for the international jobless beggars working for the UN in East Timor , why not using the same money to establish state-owned enterprises dealing in any type of business of mass production that may employ thousands of the East Timorese young generation who is jobless?

Fighting for independence is not as easy as ruling a country. A fight for independence always have and end when a country becomes independent, but the live of a country never ends and the lives of its people depends on the experience of its rulers and a good ruler is not the one who subjects its people to fooled and bullied by other countries and not letting its race to wiped out by other races. Never let a country who has wiped out the Aboriginees in Australia to give advice on what East Timor should do. Never accept any rice import from Australia who says "This rice is produced by Australia for PNG only or ET only" because it may contain "poisons" to wipe out the East Timorese generation.

I wished East Timor has a strong leader like Mari Alkatiri, but one who is not so cruel to create "militias" or Red Brigades to kill his own people and I wished Ramos Horta and Xanana is not leading the East Timorese into the same cage of the Aboriginees.

Lisbon, 13 September 2007

Basilio Araujo

Some Comments:

Como é possivel o PM de Timor Leste a pedir a um Australiano que violou os direitos humanos dos Aboriginees da Australia a ser o seu conselheiro? O que é que o PM de Timor Leste pretende fazer com isto? Sera que o PM de Timor Leste pretende erradicar a raça Timorense de Timor?.

Perguntem a ver ao Sr. Presidente da Câmara de Victória a quando é que a Câmara de Victória deu as chaves das portas da cidade de Vicória aos Aborignees que viveram na area de Victória para poderem ter accesso à cidade de Victória? Só foi no ano de 1998 ou 2000 se não me engano (corrijam-me por favor).

Imaginem, o Aboriginee que é o dono da terra, foi retirado da sua própria terra, foi forçado viver fora da cidade e só nos anos de 1990 que foi permitido a entrar a cidade de Victória com uma recepção official da entrega da chave da porta de cidade de Victória. (Aos amigos que sabem desta história ou aos Timorenses que vivem em Victória por favor abordem mais neste assunto, porque posso tambem errar por falta de conhecimento) .

Diz o Inglês: "GOD MUST BE CRAZY".


Basilio Araujo

Other Comments.

The presence of the UN in Timor-Leste is an immediate need, which our country cannot live without.

I have lived in PNG for months and trained under the ANZ Papua New Guinea. It is really sad that the Papua New Guineans are not people in their own country. The entire economy is out of place, people live in wretched life. Their economy and finance are all controlled by the Australian big corporations.

The present government has no choice but to live with the present arrangement of having the UN in charge of the security, including the Australians. It rests under the shoulder of the growing generation like us, who will make sure that we do not suffer the same mistakes our bothers and sisters in other pacific countries.



Helena Espadinha wrote:
ONU poderá ficar mais cinco anos em Timor-Leste
Público, 05.09.2007
Jorge Heitor

A Missão Integrada das Nações Unidas em Timor-Leste (Unmit), criada em Agosto do ano passado para ajudar a restaurar a estabilidade no país, poderá vir a ser prorrogada no próximo mês de Fevereiro, pois o respectivo chefe, Atul Khare, entende que serão necessários mais três a cinco anos para reestruturar a polícia nacional, remodelar o sector da segurança e permitir que a democracia se consolide, conforme explicou esta semana em conferência de imprensa.

O Presidente José Ramos-Horta solicitara segunda-feira à ONU que ficasse no país até 2012 e pedira à Austrália, que tem a seu cargo uma Força Internacional de Estabilização que partilha com a Nova Zelândia, que se mantivesse ali até 2008. Isto quando o Conselho de Segurança se prepara para, na próxima semana, debater mais um relatório da Unmit sobre a frágil situação timorense.

Entretanto, o primeiro-ministro Xanana Gusmão pediu ao chefe cessante do estado australiano de Victoria, Steve Bracks, que o ajude, como conselheiro, a impedir que Timor-Leste se torne um Estado falhado, contribuindo para colocar em funcionamento uma administração que possa garantir os serviços básicos e gerar muitos mais novos postos de trabalho.

Bracks, um católico de ascendência libanesa, por o avô paterno ser natural do vale de Beqaa, declarou à imprensa australiana que a sua meta, como conselheiro especial de Xanana, vai ser combater "uma crescente cultura de corrupção", controlando rigorosamente a atribuição de contratos para obras públicas e as nomeações para vários cargos.

Este trabalhista de 52 anos era desde 1999 o primeiro-ministro do estado de Victoria, cargo que subitamente abandonou para "estar mais tempo com a família" e, também, ajudar Xanana, com o qual regularmente se tem reunido durante os últimos anos.

Steve Bracks vai passar os próximos meses a viajar entre Melbourne e Díli, para ajudar Xanana Gusmão a governar.
Publicada por Malai Azul em 09:31 0 comentários Hiperligações para esta mensagem ;

O Orgulho de Ser Timorense - Loko A'an Hanesan Ema Timor Oan

Salvador nia "Closing Statement" (deklarasaun atu remata nia komentario) hanesan "tanggapan" ba komentarios ema lenain sira nian kona ba tulisan Maun Bot Salvador Ximenes ia "kolom" Binokulo Edisaun Kuarta ho Kinta 5-6 September 2007 hanesan tuir mai ne'e:

"Catatan akhirnya, sadar atau tidak, ternyata orang Timor telah menyebar ke seluruh dunia. Dengan pendidikan, keterampilan danpengalaman dari berbagai Negara maju itu, merupakan modal sangat besardan berharga bagi kemajuan dan keberhasilan Timor Lorosae di masadepan. Tidak perlu kita bermimpi seperti Negara Korea Selatan yangmembangun negerinya dari puing-puing kehancuran perang. Semua kekuatansumber daya manusia dan alam yang dimiliki digerakan. Kekayaan alamtidak dimiliki tetapi dengan otak (bukan dengkul, dan berpikirankerdil) dan semangat orang Korea harus bersatu, kerja keras, disiplin,visi dan orientasi jelas jauh ke depan, hasilnya hanya dalam waktu 20tahun Korea Selatan telah menjadi salah satu raksasa ekonomi bukansaja di Asia tetapi di dunia. Gratias."

la hatudu buat seluk selae Timoroan nia loko a'an (orgulho) hanesan Timor nia oan duni nebe bele komesa ona foti oin hodi hatudu ba mundu seluk katak Timoroan laos deit hatene halo oho malu, halo violensia, tuda malu, maibe bele mos komesa musu i foti oin Timor nia oin iha mundu seluk hanesan Timoroan nebe matenek, badinas, serbisu ho dedikasaun e professionalismo.

Hanesan exemplo, iha militar Indonesia nian iha Timor balun mak komesa sai Tenente Koronel ona, Timor oan balu iha devisa bot ona iha Komando das Forças Especiais (Comandos) Indonesia nian e kaer devisaun inteligencia internacional nian, iha Timoroan barak mak iha Policia Brimob antiterror, professionais de bomba, etc., iha Timor oan balun sai embaixador Indonesia nian representa Indonesia iha nasaun seluk, iha balun to'o ona nivel Konsul Jeral e mos ema numer rua (segunda pessoa - Head of Chancellary) iha embaixada Indonesia nian iha paises seluk. Nunee mos iha Portugal iha medicos, enginheiros e advogados barak mak representa kamada intelektual Timor nian iha Portugal, nunee mos iha Australia, nune'e mos iha Timoroan barak mak hasai tiha ona i ba hasai tan kursu mestrado ou doutorado iha nasaun sel-seluk.

Suksesu Timoroan sira nian iha nasaun sira seluk ne'e hanesan tuir los saida mak ita nia maun bot Salvador Ximenes fo sai iha "Binokulu" STL loron 5-6 Setembro 2007: "sadar atau tidak, ternyata orang Timor telah menyebar ke seluruh dunia. Dengan pendidikan, keterampilan dan pengalaman dari berbagai Negara maju itu, merupakan modal sangat besar dan berharga bagi kemajuan dan keberhasilan Timor Lorosae di masa depan"

Ita sei senti triste, bainhira sei mosu intelektual Timoroan barak ho hanoin badak (myopic minded intelectuals), nebe define termo "Timoroan" ba ema sira nebe mak hili nasionalidade Timor Leste nian deit. Ema sira hanesan ne'e mak sempre mai ho ideias esklusivistas hodi dehan katak se mak la hili nasionalidade Timorense, nia labele koalia kona ba Timor tanba nia laos "Timoroan". Hanoin hirak hanesan ne'e ita bele hare liu husi lenain balun nebe fo reaksaun ba maun bot Salvador nia hakerek ho titulu "Otomonia" hanesan temi tiha ona iha leten ne'e. Intelekual miopikus hirak ne'e seidauk bele konsegue destingue saida mak "nasionalidade" e saida mak "Terra da origem" (rai ema ida moris ba ou rai moris fatin).

Hau hanesan ema Timoroan ho nasionalidade Indonesia, hau nunka bele halakon hau nia origem hanesan ema Timoroan tan deit hau hili nasionalidade Indonesia, hanesan mos ema Timoroan barak mak agora sai sidadaun Portugues ou Australiano, maibe sira sei bolu an nafatin hanesanTimoroan e senti liu Timoroan duke Portuguesoan ou Australiaoan ou Indonesiaoan iha rai nebe sira hela ba.

Saida mak maun bot Salvador temi kona ba Timoran barak nebe komesa espalha ona ba nasaun sel-seluk, hau so bele dehan deit katak hau senti loko a'an (orgulho) hanesan ema Timoroan. Ba alin Timoroan foun balu nebe agora sei estuda iha naaun seluk, nunka bele hanoin katak imi hotu tenki fila ba Timor Leste, tanba se imi hetan serbisu diak iha estranjeiro, ne'e mos hatudu kontribuisaun bot ida ba Timor. Ita tenki komesa hanoin katak sai Timoroan laos deit dudu malu e tuda malu atu bele hadau malu kadeira ida hodi serbisu iha Timor, maibe iha kapasidade atu bele kompete ho trabalhadores mundo internasional nian. Timoroan intelektual sira tenki hanoin ona oinsa Timor bele esporta intelektual Timoroan sira ba nasaun seluk.

Se ita hanoin katak Australia agora mai koloniza fali Timor, entaun ita tenki koko hanoin halo kontrariu fali atu oin sa mak Timoroan bele ba fali Australia hodi koloniza fali Australia.

Timor bele koloniza Australia husi dalan seluk. Por exemplo, haruka Timoroan barak ba estuda iha Australia e depois haruka sira buka serbisu iha Australia atu bele manda fali malae Australiano sira hanesan mos Timoroan barak nebe serbisu iha Indonesia hodi manda ema Indonesio sira ou Timoroan sira iha Portugal manda fali malae mutin hodi haruka malae mutin sira graisa fali Timoraon sira nia sapatu.

Bainhira hanoin miopikus barak nebe agora iha komesa bele muda ona sira nia hanoin atu lebela tan tau karimbu ba ema Timor oan sira hanesan ema "Integrasionista" ka "Independentista", "Loromunu ka Lorosae", "Kaladi ka Firaku", "Timor oan ka laos Timoroan", entaun Timor se desenvolve lalais hanesan Japaung ou Koreia do Sul nebe hamrik fali husi rai leten hodi sai nasaun bot domina ekonomia mundu nian hanesan ohin loron ne'e.

Se Timoroan sei hanoin ho kakutak badak nafatin hanesan ema matenek (intelektual) barak agora ne'e, entaun Timor sei sai rahun tan hanesan saida mak jenerais Indonesia sira haktuir tiha ona katak ema Timoroan sei labele tur i hamrik hamutuk, sira sei sei han malu to'o rahun didiak, i nasaun seluk mak sei ba ukun Timor hanesan daudaun agora Australia kontrola hela Timor depois de Indonesia. Entaun, bainhira los mak Timor ukun a'an los. Australia nia presença iha Timor hatudu ona katak Timor labele ukun a'an duni i tenki precisa "kehadiran" (presença) forsa rai seluk nian hodi tau Timor sira hamutuk. Situasaun ida agora ne'e sei hatudu katak Timor sei hanesan ema Indonesia sira nebe sei iha mentalidade "atan" nian (mentalitas budak - slave mentality), tanba Timor oan so senti "aman" (seguru) bainhira hela iha nasaun estranjeiro seluk nia okos, hanesan mos maoria ema bot iha Indonesia nian nebe hanoin katak Indonesia so bele moris "aman" (seguru) bainhira tabele ba Amerika nia kalilin okos.

Timor tenki buka mosu oinseluk. Tenki brani mosu oin seluk iha mundo (harus berani tampil beda). Labele iha mentalidade "tempe" (tipo de hahan ida halo ho forekeli). Timor tenki mosu hanesan ex-Presidenti Indonesia nian naran Gus Dur nebe brani fo sai ba mundu katak Asia sei kontrola mundo bainhira India, China ho Indonesia forma forum ekonomiku ida hanesan Komunidade Europeia nian. Ema sira hanesan Gus Dur nebe berani kontra Amerika ne'e ladun barak iha mundo. Timor iha ona ema ida naran Mari Alkatiri, maibe "sayang" (iha pena), nia laakutualiza a'an hanesan lider moderno nian. Nia sei kaer metin nafatin prinsipius komunista nian hodi ukun. Lider politikus sira agora iha Timor ne'e mesak mamar deit hanesan lider politik sira iha Indonesia ho paises Asiatiku sira seluk nebe hakruk demais ba Amerik.

Maibe hau larametin katak bainhira jerasaun 1975 nian sai ona husi palku politika Timor nian, Timor sei aselera lalais hanesan Japaun ho Koreia do Sul.

Hau nia kumprimentus ba lenain sira hotu.

Basilio Araujo
Antigo Porta Voz grupu Integrasaun nian.